Crackpot & Buzzkill take to the Sky!

2014-03-31 18.58.47 (1)

Finally launched the monster motor.

Rocket weighed over 150lbs on the pad. Apogee was at 14,375 ft, and landed about 1.5 miles from the launch site in a small forest. My eagle-eyed daughter saw the parachute caught at the top of the largest tree.

The name of the rocket is a shoutout to the hosts of a podcast called no agenda which can be found at . The show should be required listening for the rocketry community – especially after the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms tried to shut down the hobby.

One thought on “Crackpot & Buzzkill take to the Sky!

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  1. Just listened about this on show #607 of The Best Podcast in the Universe and had to stop to come here and view it. Amazing work!! One thing you should fix on your next one is checking the date/time on the cameras that have the overlay, but other than that, an excellent video. ITM from Portugal 🙂

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