Getting ready for LDRS XXX

Well, I’m scrambling to finish a few rockets for LDRS 30. I’ll be bringing at least 6 rockets. 3 oddrocs, and 3 ‘traditional’ rockets. Here’s a few photo’s





This X-15 is probably one of the most difficult builds I’ve ever done. I had to redo the fiberglass several times, and getting the fillets to look good on all of those contours was next to impossible. I wound up dipping my finger in alcohol, then hand creating the fillet. Not a process I want to repeat, but it’s nice to know you can get this much control.









I plan on entering this one into the Discovery channel oddroc competition. The Pizza is a photo of a dominoes pizza my family ate earlier in the summer.







Mark Hayes at Stickershock did a fantastic job making the Vinyl from my photo. Makes me hungry just looking at it! I had a heck of a time trying to simulate how this rocket would fly – we’ll see in a few weeks.







This is Tachyon, my entry into the “worlds fastest rocket”. It’s all plastic and hand laid Carbon Fiber.  I’m not quite finished with the rocket, still needs some work on the inside, and I’ll be ordering from Vinyl for it to make it look a little nicer. The rocket itself weigh’s in at a bit less than 6 lbs. I will be putting a rocket motor in that weighs over three times as much, and will launch with  twice the power of the Hennessey Viper Venom race car I sold to make room for my rocket collection…..








This one should look familiar. I’m bringing it along because Jim Harris at Gorilla Rocket Motors sent me one of his new 98mm Black Lightening motors to demo at LDRS (it’s not certified yet). This is a very sturdy rocket, and I know it will be able to handle the punch of his new motor. I’ve had to sand the nozzle down to fit his slightly modified liner – I hope it doesn’t CATO!


I’ll be bringing more rockets, but you get the idea.

2 thoughts on “Getting ready for LDRS XXX

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    1. Thanks. I live in northern illinois, but usually launch them in wisconsin with , or . Both websites list their launch schedules

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